The Clean Rivers Project w/Plainville Conservation Commission

Farmington River Watershed Association, Inc.
Funds are requested to support implementation of informational and educational efforts and activities advocating for pesticide use reduction. These efforts will focus on the 80 property owners whose properties abut the Quinnipiac River in Plainville, CT. The activities will include 2 river clean-ups, coordination of a fishing derby, Earth Day Extravaganza, promotion and advocacy of Freedom Lawn Initiative, and a Tomasso Nature Park clean-up. (see grant notes)
Grant #: 
Date Issued: 
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Year End Summary: 
Eighteen of 58 parcels along the Quinnipiac River and 13 of 33 parcels along the Pequabuck River joined the Clean Rivers Project and are now pesticide free.
Year End Reports: 

20070054 Plainville Conservation Commission.pdf