Grant Number: 20190127
To support an examination of the seasonal variation in the composition and quantity of microplastic particles from wastewater treatment facilities discharging treated wastewater into the Quinnipiac River.
Year Issued: 2019 | Amount: $16,000
Southern Connecticut State University
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Vincent Breslin
Grant Number: 20050350
To support funding for two aspects of the Quinnipiac River Conservation and Development corridor Project. RPG will develop an inter-municipal agreement between the three lower river communities that will include land-use guidelines and a tax sharing agreement.
Year Issued: 2005 | Amount: $8,000
Rex Development (formerly known as South Central CT Regional Econ. Develop. Corp)
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Grant Number: 940035
To document the macrobenthic structure of the lower Quinnipiac River as an "ecological benchmark" against future changes.
Year Issued: 1994 | Amount: $4,739
Southern Connecticut State University
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Grant Number: 920058
Year Issued: 1992 | Amount: $5,000
Schooner, Inc.
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