Grant Number: 20100146
To support the first phase of a riparian buffer research project designed as a public waterfront demonstration park.
Year Issued: 2010 | Amount: $10,000
Yale University - Grant and Contract Administration
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Grant Number: 20100594
To support investigations into the causes and implications of marsh drowning in the Quinnipiac River.
Year Issued: 2010 | Amount: $8,244
Yale University - Grant and Contract Administration
Contact Information
Grant Number: 20110107
To support the continuation of investigations into the causes and implications of marsh drowning in the Quinnipiac River.
Year Issued: 2011 | Amount: $10,000
Yale University - Grant and Contract Administration
Contact Information
Grant Number: 20110137
To support the New Haven Harbor Data Project which will create and maintain an online catalog of data about New Haven Harbor and will be accessible on Schooner's website.
Year Issued: 2011 | Amount: $5,000
Schooner, Inc
Contact Information
Grant Number: 20010410
To support educational activities taking place on-board the schooner Quinnipiac that will connect students and teachers from upper watershed schools with students and teachers in lower watershed schools.
Year Issued: 2001 | Amount: $8,000
Schooner, Inc
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Grant Number: 20010411
To support Field Research Program to document wetland loss along the Quinnipiac River Estuary and document baseline conditions and historic trends.
Year Issued: 2001 | Amount: $14,350
Yale University Grant and Contract Administration
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Grant Number: 20010407
To collect and publish a systematic review of municipal land-use regulations in the Quinnipiac River Watershed.
Year Issued: 2001 | Amount: $15,000
Yale University Grant and Contract Administration
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Grant Number: 20010412
To support studying nutrient export from subwatersheds during storm events, including phosphorus (P), which is the limiting nutrient in fresh waters.
Year Issued: 2001 | Amount: $8,860
Yale University Grant and Contract Administration
Contact Information
Grant Number: 20000305
To support the project entitled Bioaccumulation of Sediment Contaminants by Benthos of the Quinnipiac River. This proposed research is an investigation of the sediment contaminant load of two sites in the Quinnipiac River and the availability of the contaminants to the benthic organisms living in them.
Year Issued: 2000 | Amount: $20,000
Yale University Grant and Contract Administration
Contact Information
Grant Number: 200000306
To support the project entitled Comparison of Sediment Contaminants in the Branford River and the Quinnipiac River and their effects on the Benthic community. This proposed research is an investigation of the sediment contaminant load of five sites in the Quinnipiac River and three sites within the Branford River.
Year Issued: 2000 | Amount: $14,842
Yale University Grant and Contract Administration
Contact Information