Grant Number: 200180205
To support the monitoring of marsh surface elevations as well as the salinity and vegetation in one lobe of the marsh, and to support analysis of vegetation change and surveying of marsh migration at the Quinnipiac Meadows Preserve.
Year Issued: 2018 | Amount: $13,100
Yale University
Contact Information
Shimon Anisfeld
Grant Number: 20160132
To support the study of sediment accretion and elevation change in the Quinnipiac marshes, and for a wildlife-exclusion experiment to test the hypothesis that herbivory is preventing vegetation from recolonizing mudflat areas.
Year Issued: 2016 | Amount: $13,500
Yale University
Contact Information
Dr. Shimon Anisfeld
Grant Number: 20140145
to support measurements of sediment accretion, elevation change, water level, salinity, and belowground production in the Quinnipiac marshes.
Year Issued: 2014 | Amount: $11,355
Yale University
Contact Information
Dr. Shimon Anisfeld
Grant Number: 20120062
To support the Safe Grounds Campaign to reduce and ultimately eliminate the use of toxic lawn pesticides in the Quinnipiac River watershed and throughout Connecticut.
Year Issued: 2012 | Amount: $20,000
The Watershed Partnership, Inc.
Contact Information
Grant Number: 20021005
For development of GIS data layers and analyses in support of conservation and sustainable development activities in the lower Quinnipiac River Watershed.
Year Issued: 2002 | Amount: $17,992
University of New Haven, Dept. of Biology and Environmental Science
Contact Information
Grant Number: 20060116
To support the creation and development of the Organic Land and Turf Handbook for school, municipal, and commercial groundskeepsers to manage lawns and turf without the use synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
Year Issued: 2006 | Amount: $14,000
Connecticut Northeast Organic Farmers Organization
Contact Information
Grant Number: 20080176
Funds are requested to support the implementation of an intensive workshops to teach 100 Connecticut school groundskeepers how to mamnage fields without the use of harmful pesticides.
Year Issued: 2008 | Amount: $6,530
Connecticut Northeast Organic Farmers Organization
Contact Information
Grant Number: 20010207
To develop GIS data layers of selected brownfield sites in Hamden, CT, and develop and analyze detailed GIS data layers for the marshes in the lower Quinnipiac River.
Year Issued: 2001 | Amount: $15,050
University of New Haven, Dept. of Biology and Environmental Science
Contact Information
Grant Number: 940037
To evaluate road salt management and application practices; correlate problems and recommend future action.
Year Issued: 1994 | Amount: $5,000
New Haven County Soil & Water Conservation Di
Contact Information
Grant Number: 940083
To continue research on the utilization of sunlight for the destruction of toxic water pollutants.
Year Issued: 1994 | Amount: $4,541
University of Connecticut, Dept. of Chemistry
Contact Information