Grant Number: 20130073
To support environmental advocacy, particularly through raising awareness of new federal phosphorus requirements for the lower Quinnipiac River.
Year Issued: 2013 | Amount: $15,000
Mill River Watershed Association of South Central Connecticut Inc.
Contact Information
Cordalie Benoit
Grant Number: 20120100
To support water testing of the Quinnipiac estuary and New Haven Harbor for contaminants and evaluation of abnormal reproductive development of the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) by endocrine disrupting compounds.
Year Issued: 2012 | Amount: $10,500
Yale University
Contact Information
Grant Number: 20050337
To support a graduate student that will work with the PI and others (e.g. at the RGP) to maintain the QRW (Quinniipiac River Watershed) GIS(Georgraphic Information System) and the related website and to conduct GIS based analyses that focus on the lower river and its surroundings.
Year Issued: 2005 | Amount: $17,500
University of New Haven, Dept. of Biology and Environmental Science
Contact Information
Grant Number: 20070062
Funds are requested to support continued efforts to develop and aopt an inter-municipal tax revenue sharing agreement and shared land use plan among the reigion's five municipalities bordering the Quinnipiac River. Related activities under this project will include assessments on key properties along the river, community outreach, and planning for a new canoe launch site in North Haven.
Year Issued: 2007 | Amount: $500
Rex Development (formerly known as South Central CT Regional Econ. Develop. Corp)
Contact Information
Grant Number: 20080172
Funds are requested to support the publishing of six in-depth stories including 240 photographs about the Quinnipiac River and its surrounding environment.
Year Issued: 2008 | Amount: $3,000
Fair Haven Housing Initiative/Grand News
Contact Information
Grant Number: 950063
To involve inner city youth in learning about and protecting the marine environment.
Year Issued: 1995 | Amount: $2,960
Univ. of Connecticut, Coop. Extension System
Contact Information
Grant Number: 940076
To involve inner city youth in learning about and protecting the marine environment.
Year Issued: 1994 | Amount: $4,175
Univ. of Connecticut, Coop. Extension System
Contact Information
Grant Number: 940079
To develop a geographical information system database for the Quinnipiac River Watershed.
Year Issued: 1994 | Amount: $10,000
University of New Haven, Dept. of Biology and Environmental Science
Contact Information