Grant Number: 20241218
to support the creation of public access on the lower Quinnipiac River, as well as to support advocating on state and local permits affecting water quality and quantity, and carry out bacteria monitoring.
Year Issued: 2024 | Amount: $17,000
River Advocates of South Central CT
Contact Information
Mary Mushinsky
Grant Number: 20211286
to support a coliform bacteria testing program that uses trained volunteers to collect and a professional lab to analyze to support a coliform bacteria testing program that uses trained volunteers to collect and a professional lab to analyze bacteria in stream and river segments of the Quinnipiac Watershed, and to support advocacy for state and local permits affecting water quality of the Quinnipiac River.
Year Issued: 2021 | Amount: $15,000
River Advocates of South Central CT
Contact Information
Mary Mushinsky
Grant Number: 20201262
to support the monitoring of state level permits affecting water quality, and then support water quality testing of the Quinnipiac River as well as recruitment and training of a permits observer corps to monitor local land use commissions and screen for testimony local land use permits.
Year Issued: 2020 | Amount: $15,769
River Advocates of South Central CT
Contact Information
Mary Mushinsky
Grant Number: 961371
To establish a comprehensive multi- disciplinary watershed planning initiative to improve the quality of the environment in the QR Watershed.
Year Issued: 1996 | Amount: $10,000
Yale School of Forestry/Environmental Studies
Contact Information
Grant Number: 20020634
To offer a 2-day short course in river processes to local environmental activists and municipal officials. The course will cover the basic hydrologic, geomorphic, chemical, and biological processes that govern stream ecosystems, and how they are perturbed by human activity. Participants will receive the scientific tools that they need in order to understand and critically evaluate environmental data on the Quinnpiac River.
Year Issued: 2002 | Amount: $10,000
Yale School of Forestry/Environmental Studies
Contact Information
Grant Number: 20020629
To work with selected leaders from Quinnipiac River Watershed communities to improve the land use decision-making process and control non-point source pollution. The proposed program is for a 4-day workshop, emphasizing the regulatory power to make wise land use decisions, and presenting collaborative decision making techniques.
Year Issued: 2002 | Amount: $3,369
Yale School of Forestry/Environmental Studies
Contact Information
Grant Number: 20030657
To offer a short course in river processes to local environmental activist and municipal officials. The course will cover the basic hydrologic, geomorphic, chemical and biological processes that govern stream ecosystems and how they are perturbed by human activities. Participants will receive the scientific tools that they need in order to understand and critically evaluate environmental data on the Quinnipiac River.
Year Issued: 2003 | Amount: $10,000
Yale School of Forestry/Environmental Studies
Contact Information
Grant Number: 20080167
Funds are requested to collect water quality data to study the ecology of the Quinnipiac River and the New Haven Harbor and provider public education about the river.
Year Issued: 2008 | Amount: $7,160
Schooner, Inc
Contact Information
Grant Number: 20080172
Funds are requested to support the publishing of six in-depth stories including 240 photographs about the Quinnipiac River and its surrounding environment.
Year Issued: 2008 | Amount: $3,000
Fair Haven Housing Initiative/Grand News
Contact Information
Grant Number: 20010410
To support educational activities taking place on-board the schooner Quinnipiac that will connect students and teachers from upper watershed schools with students and teachers in lower watershed schools.
Year Issued: 2001 | Amount: $8,000
Schooner, Inc
Contact Information