Grant Number: 20140009
to support outreach, education and advocacy of the current school lawn pesticide ban and activities associated with the expansion of the ban to include all Connecticut parks, playgrounds, municipal playing fields and town greens, as well as the enhancement of the organization's website.
Year Issued: 2014 | Amount: $20,000
The Watershed Partnership, Inc.
Contact Information
Jerry Silbert
Grant Number: 20120100
To support water testing of the Quinnipiac estuary and New Haven Harbor for contaminants and evaluation of abnormal reproductive development of the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) by endocrine disrupting compounds.
Year Issued: 2012 | Amount: $10,500
Yale University
Contact Information
Grant Number: 20070065
Funds are requested to support the organization and implementation of "Consider the Qunnipiac" photo-based awareness campaign" motivationg people to consider the consequences of poor stewardship. The campaign will include photo exhibits, and web-based gallery including information about the specific threats, pollutants, and damages to the river.
Year Issued: 2007 | Amount: $8,500
Catalyst Studios, Inc.
Contact Information
Grant Number: 20080287
Additional funding is requested to cover the cost for aerial shots for the "Consider the Quinnipiac" Campaign. Aerial photographs would provide documentation access to areas not readily seen from land level. (See grant 20070065)
Year Issued: 2008 | Amount: $1,000
Catalyst Studios, Inc.
Contact Information
Grant Number: 20080286
Additional funding is requested to support addtions and enhancements of the "Consider the Quinipiac" Campaign. Enhancements will include the photo exhibit, grand opening, expansion of photo documentation time, and photo stories. (see grant 20070065)
Year Issued: 2008 | Amount: $2,500
Catalyst Studios, Inc.
Contact Information
Grant Number: 20090111
To support exhibit enhancements and the production of a grand opening at New Haven City Hall for the Consider the Quinnipiac Campaign photo-based advocacy campaign.
Year Issued: 2009 | Amount: $17,600
Catalyst Studios, Inc.
Contact Information
Grant Number: 20100147
To support the continuation of the ‘Consider the Quinnipiac’ pictorial exhibit tour at the State Capital and at three additional sites including the towns of Wallingford and Cheshire’s libraries.
Year Issued: 2010 | Amount: $8,000
Catalyst Studios, Inc.
Contact Information
Grant Number: 950063
To involve inner city youth in learning about and protecting the marine environment.
Year Issued: 1995 | Amount: $2,960
Univ. of Connecticut, Coop. Extension System
Contact Information
Grant Number: 940076
To involve inner city youth in learning about and protecting the marine environment.
Year Issued: 1994 | Amount: $4,175
Univ. of Connecticut, Coop. Extension System
Contact Information