Grant Number: 20040385
To support a short course in river processes to local environmental activists and municipal officials that will cover the basic hydrologic, geomorphic, chemical and biological processes that govern stream ecosystems and how they are perturbed by human activities.
Year Issued: 2004 | Amount: $7,390
Yale University Grant and Contract Administration
Contact Information
Grant Number: 20060112
To support the implementation of a short course in river processes for environmental activists and decision-makers.
Year Issued: 2006 | Amount: $7,744
Yale University Grant and Contract Administration
Contact Information
Grant Number: 20090105
To support a four day training program for local land use leaders to educate them on the scope of their jurisdiction, the flexibility they have under the law, tools for natural resource and watershed protection and collaborative techniques including consensus building, facilitated decision-making, community participation and effective meeting management.
Year Issued: 2009 | Amount: $15,000
Land Use Leadership Alliance (LULA)
Contact Information
Grant Number: 970241
For current information on how the Long Island Soundkeeper Fund is advocating for clean water and solutions to local pollution problems, please visit their web site:
Year Issued: 1997 | Amount: $5,000
Long Island Soundkeeper Fund, Inc.
Contact Information
Grant Number: 961210
To establish an individual as the primary point person to be an advocate for clean water and to address local pollution problems using Soundkeeper.
Year Issued: 1996 | Amount: $5,000
Long Island Soundkeeper Fund, Inc.
Contact Information