Grant Number: 970242
To sample and analyze food fish from the Quinnipiac and Mill Rivers for toxic organic and inorganic contaminants.
Year Issued: 1997 | Amount: $7,000
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
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Grant Number: 970241
For current information on how the Long Island Soundkeeper Fund is advocating for clean water and solutions to local pollution problems, please visit their web site:
Year Issued: 1997 | Amount: $5,000
Long Island Soundkeeper Fund, Inc.
Contact Information
Grant Number: 970245
To research and analyze the issue of river pollution by landfill leacheates in the Quinnipiac Watershedd, to plan Y begin implementation of "stream team" bio-assessment in two watershed sub-basins, & to improve office as a resource center.
Year Issued: 1997 | Amount: $5,000
Quinnipiac River Watershed Association
Contact Information
Grant Number: 950101
Research on tidal wetland plants in the Quinnipiac River estuary related to wetland restoration.
Year Issued: 1995 | Amount: $5,000
Univ. of Connectict, Dept. of Ecology & Evol.
Contact Information
Grant Number: 970243
To bioassess the Quinnipiac Headwaters and Tributaries in Southington.
Year Issued: 1997 | Amount: $3,925
University of CT/Institute of Water Resources
Contact Information
Grant Number: 970238
To continue to enhance & update the home page of the Quinnipiac River fund on the World Wide Web to disseminate information regarding the QR and New Haven Harbor ecosystems.
Year Issued: 1997 | Amount: $5,000
UCONN-Department of Marine Science
Contact Information
Grant Number: 950065
To develop a geographical information system database for the Quinnipiac River Watershed.
Year Issued: 1995 | Amount: $11,000
University of New Haven, Dept. of Biology and Environmental Science
Contact Information
Grant Number: 950102
To conduct a survey that would evaluate the occurrence of several metals, esp. silver, in oyster & sediments in the Quinnipiac River estuary.
Year Issued: 1995 | Amount: $8,000
Yale School of Forestry/Environmental Studies
Contact Information
Grant Number: 970239
Continued support for the development of a geographic information system for the Quinnipiac River watershed.
Year Issued: 1997 | Amount: $10,000
University of New Haven, Dept. of Biology and Environmental Science
Contact Information
Grant Number: 950103
To conduct a survey of the content of heavy metals in the wood, bark, and leaf litter of woody plant species in southern part of Quinnipiac River
Year Issued: 1995 | Amount: $4,600
Yale School of Forestry/Environmental Studies
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