Grant Number: 970240
To purchase a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer in order to conduct studies on the types and levels of organic contaminants in water & tissue of fish & other organisms.
Year Issued: 1997 | Amount: $12,000
Yale University
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Grant Number: 961210
To establish an individual as the primary point person to be an advocate for clean water and to address local pollution problems using Soundkeeper.
Year Issued: 1996 | Amount: $5,000
Long Island Soundkeeper Fund, Inc.
Contact Information
Grant Number: 961215
To involve young people from Quinnipiac Terrace in Fair Haven in educational and recreational activities on the Quinnipiac River.
Year Issued: 1996 | Amount: $5,740
Department of Parks, Recreation, and Trees
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Grant Number: 940075
Complete three hydrographic dye dilution studies of the Wastewater Pollution Control Facilities.
Year Issued: 1994 | Amount: $7,000
CT Dept. of Agriculture/Aquaculture Division
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Grant Number: 961214
To conduct restoration of its 9.4 acre parcel along the Quinnipiac River to remove rubble and debris degrading tidal wetland on the parcel.
Year Issued: 1996 | Amount: $5,000
The New Haven Land Trust, Inc.
Contact Information
Grant Number: 961206
To produce three large laminated computer-generated graphic displays on the Quinnipiac River for use on educational field trips and canoe trips.
Year Issued: 1996 | Amount: $5,000
Quinnipiac River Watershed Association
Contact Information
Grant Number: 940077
Use plankton net to collect tautog embryos and assess their viability in New Haven Harbor.
Year Issued: 1994 | Amount: $4,700
National Marine Fisheries Service
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Grant Number: 940078
For a yearround sampling of various species to estimate incidences of erythrocyte micronucleation to evaluate effects on health fish.
Year Issued: 1994 | Amount: $3,400
National Marine Fisheries Service
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Grant Number: 940082
To start an "Adopt the River" program and to continue a lecture series.
Year Issued: 1994 | Amount: $5,000
Quinnipiac River Watershed Association
Contact Information
Grant Number: 940035
To document the macrobenthic structure of the lower Quinnipiac River as an "ecological benchmark" against future changes.
Year Issued: 1994 | Amount: $4,739
Southern Connecticut State University
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