Environmental Advocacy

Comprehensive Multi-disciplinary Watershed

Yale School of Forestry/Environmental Studies
Date Issued: 
Thursday, March 21, 1996
10 000.00
To establish a comprehensive multi- disciplinary watershed planning initiative to improve the quality of the environment in the QR Watershed.

Course in River Processes

Yale School of Forestry/Environmental Studies
Date Issued: 
Thursday, March 21, 2002
10 000.00
To offer a 2-day short course in river processes to local environmental activists and municipal officials.  The course will cover the basic hydrologic, geomorphic, chemical, and biological processes that govern stream ecosystems, and how they are perturbed by human activity.  Participants will receive the scientific tools that they need in order to understand and critically evaluate environmental data on the Quinnpiac River.

Four-Day Workshop

Yale School of Forestry/Environmental Studies
Date Issued: 
Thursday, March 21, 2002
3 369.00
To work with selected leaders from Quinnipiac River Watershed communities to improve the land use decision-making process and control non-point source pollution.  The proposed program is for a 4-day workshop, emphasizing the regulatory power to make wise land use decisions, and presenting collaborative decision making techniques.

Course on river processes

Yale School of Forestry/Environmental Studies
Date Issued: 
Thursday, May 15, 2003
10 000.00
To offer a short course in river processes to local environmental activist and municipal officials.  The course will cover the basic hydrologic, geomorphic, chemical and biological processes that govern stream ecosystems and how they are perturbed by human activities. Participants will receive the scientific tools that they need in order to understand and critically evaluate environmental data on the Quinnipiac River.

Municipal Regulation Program

Quinnipiac River Watershed Partnership
Date Issued: 
Thursday, May 15, 2003
10 000.00
To work directly with municipalities in the Quinnipiac river watershed not only to educate municipal officials, but also to follow up and help them improve municipal regulations that affect water quality in the Quinnipiac and watershed.  Primary target for this project are municipal CEO's, Planning and Zoning Commissions, Inland Wetland Commissions, and Town Councils.

Course on river processes

Yale University Grant and Contract Administration
Date Issued: 
Thursday, April 15, 2004
7 390.00
To support a short course in river processes to local environmental activists and municipal officials that will cover the basic hydrologic, geomorphic, chemical and biological processes that govern stream ecosystems and how they are perturbed by human activities.

Annual Monitoring

Quinnipiac River Watershed Association
Date Issued: 
Thursday, April 15, 2004
20 000.00
To support the annual monitoring, education, advocacy, public access and restoration activities as well as expanding grassroots organizing to continue with clean up activities in the Quinnipiac Rive Watershed Action Plan.

Quinnipiac River Discovery

Elm City Parks Conservancy
Date Issued: 
Thursday, April 15, 2004
10 000.00
To support an education and awareness program for youth and the broader community.

UNH QRiver Watershed Geographic Information System Project

University of New Haven, Dept. of Biology and Environmental Science
Date Issued: 
Thursday, March 17, 2005
17 500.00
To support a graduate student that will work with the PI and others (e.g. at the RGP) to maintain the QRW (Quinniipiac River Watershed) GIS(Georgraphic Information System) and the related website and to conduct GIS based analyses that focus on the lower river and its surroundings.

Quinnipiac River Watershed Association Action Plan

Quinnipiac River Watershed Association
Date Issued: 
Thursday, March 17, 2005
10 000.00
To support the grassroots organization identified in the Quinnipac Watershed Action Plan and continue to organize volunteers toward implementaing the plan's actions.  To harness the combined efforts of a large pool of citizen volunteers, clubs, civic roups, shcools and businesses, which hav eparticipated at least one year in a QRWA river activity.  To use our conservation, recreation and education events and programs to increase our volunteer ranks.  To continue to train and guide these volunteers toward reducing the point source and nonpoint source pollution that enters our waterways.  These volunteers will educate landowners and builders whose activities have a direct impact on water quality and habitat health in tributaries and main rivers.


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