Public Education

Kids Explore!, Kids Do!, Kids Teach!

Solar Youth
Date Issued: 
Thursday, May 15, 2003
8 000.00
To educate New Haven's youth about the natural and social systems that affect the Quinnipiac River.  To design and execute a community service action project that addresses an issue for youth to identify and teach what they have learned and accomplished to others; thereby building a constituency of urban advocates for the Quinnipiac River.  This project is called Kids Explore!, Kids Do!, Kids Teach!

Quinnipiac River Watershed Partnership

Elm City Parks Conservancy
Date Issued: 
Thursday, May 15, 2003
8 000.00
To educate the community about the effects of pollution, to increase access to the Quinnipiac River, to empower the residents to right environmental wrongs and to enhance appreciation for parkland and its preservation.

Chemical lawn pesticides and fertilizer study

Quinnipiac River Watershed Partnership
Date Issued: 
Thursday, April 15, 2004
20 000.00
To support a before and after pilot study of a residential neighborhood within the Quinnipiac River Watershed after it has participated in an education program that encourages the use of organic lawn care agents versus chemical lawn care agents.

Annual Monitoring

Quinnipiac River Watershed Association
Date Issued: 
Thursday, April 15, 2004
20 000.00
To support the annual monitoring, education, advocacy, public access and restoration activities as well as expanding grassroots organizing to continue with clean up activities in the Quinnipiac Rive Watershed Action Plan.

Quinnipiac River Discovery

Elm City Parks Conservancy
Date Issued: 
Thursday, April 15, 2004
10 000.00
To support an education and awareness program for youth and the broader community.

Yale University-Short Course in River Processes (4)

Yale University Grant and Contract Administration
Date Issued: 
Thursday, March 17, 2005
7 500.00
To offer a short course in river processes to local members of conservation/inland wetland commissions and environmrntal activists.  The course will cover the basic hydrologic, geomorphic, chemical and biological processes that govern stream exosystems, and how they are perturbed by human activities.  Participants will receive the scientific tools that they need in order to understand and critically evaluate environemntal data on the Q River.

Quinnipiac River Watershed Association Action Plan

Quinnipiac River Watershed Association
Date Issued: 
Thursday, March 17, 2005
10 000.00
To support the grassroots organization identified in the Quinnipac Watershed Action Plan and continue to organize volunteers toward implementaing the plan's actions.  To harness the combined efforts of a large pool of citizen volunteers, clubs, civic roups, shcools and businesses, which hav eparticipated at least one year in a QRWA river activity.  To use our conservation, recreation and education events and programs to increase our volunteer ranks.  To continue to train and guide these volunteers toward reducing the point source and nonpoint source pollution that enters our waterways.  These volunteers will educate landowners and builders whose activities have a direct impact on water quality and habitat health in tributaries and main rivers.

Elm City Park Conservancy/Dragon Oyster Co.

Rex Development (formerly known as South Central CT Regional Econ. Develop. Corp)
Date Issued: 
Thursday, March 17, 2005
8 000.00
To support funding for two aspects of the Quinnipiac River Conservation and Development corridor Project. RPG will develop an inter-municipal agreement between the three lower river communities that will include land-use guidelines and a tax sharing agreement.

Water Diversion & Instream Flow Policy

Trout Unlimited: Eastern Water Project
Date Issued: 
Thursday, March 16, 2006
10 000.00
Funds will be used to support the improvement of of water diversion and instream flow policy on the Quinnipiac River through advocacy and public education.

Stream Buffer Initiative

Quinnipiac River Watershed Association
Date Issued: 
Thursday, March 16, 2006
15 000.00
To support the organization and implementation of QRWA Stream Buffer Initiative to encourage land use practices that minimize adverse impacts on the watershed and increase public access to the river and its tributaries.


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