To support the establishment of bird nest boxes at multiple locations in the Quinnipiac River watershed and monitor the ecology of songbirds that breed in the watershed.
To support educational programming and volunteer events at the Quinnipiac Meadows and Long Wharf Nature Preserves and as well as to support the process of acquiring land adjacent to Quinnipiac Meadows.
University of New Haven, Department of Biology & Environmental Science
Date Issued:
Thursday, March 19, 2015
10 000.00
to support the study of the biodiversity of benthic algal communities and the potential for copper contamination in communities throughout the Quinnipiac River.
to support An Urban Wildlife Refuge in Fair Haven: Community-based land stewardship to benefit wildlife and waterways project in partnership with Audubon Connecticut, community greenspace groups and the local business community.
To support the "A Fair Haven for Wildlife: Community-based land stewardship to benefit wildlife and waterways" project, in partnership with the Urban Resources Initiative.
University of New Haven, Dept. of Biology and Environmental Science
Date Issued:
Thursday, March 15, 2012
10 500.00
To support a continuing study about assessing the extent and characteristics of macroalgal blooms in New Haven Harbor and the impacts such blooms have on benthic communities.
To support the review of Cytec's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) water permit for discharges into the Quinnipiac River and see if there have been any violations of their permit during this year or during the past 5 years.
To support the education of fishers on safe consumption of fish from the Quinnipiac River and work with the State Department of Energy and Environmental Protection to ensure fish signage is posted in the area in appropriate languages as well as support an exchange program where Quinnipiac River fishers can trade their lead weights for non-lead weights.
To raise awareness among legislators, homeowners, and the general public about ways to reduce both non-point and point sources of pollution and to improve habitat for birds and other wildlife within the Quinnipiac River Watershed.