To support the monitoring of marsh surface elevations as well as the salinity and vegetation in one lobe of the marsh, and to support analysis of vegetation change and surveying of marsh migration at the Quinnipiac Meadows Preserve.
To support identification, characterization and assessment of industrial pollutants in water and on indigenous fish populations in the Quinnipiac River.
To support the establishment of bird nest boxes at multiple locations in the Quinnipiac River watershed and monitor the ecology of songbirds that breed in the watershed.
To support the monitoring of marsh surface elevations as well as the salinity and vegetation in one lobe of the marsh, and to support preliminary analysis of marsh migration at the Quinnipiac Meadows Preserve.
To support the study of copper uptake efficiency of various ulvoid species in order to pinpoint potential candidates for bioremediation of heavy metals at marine and brackish water sites along the Quinnipiac River.
to support identification, characterization and assessment of industrial pollutants in Wallingford and North Haven with an emphasis on the pollutant's impact to indigenous fish populations in the Quinnipiac River.
To support the study of sediment accretion and elevation change in the Quinnipiac marshes, and for a wildlife-exclusion experiment to test the hypothesis that herbivory is preventing vegetation from recolonizing mudflat areas.