To support the measurement of hexavalent chromium concentrations and chemical behavior in stormwater within the Quinnipiac River watershed and in the Quinnipiac River itself with the condition to obtain studies about the Quinnipiac River from the Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection.
To support Surveying the Quinnipiac River, a study of bis-2-ethylhexyl phthalate and other plasticizers in an effort to characterize contamination from industrial sources.
University of New Haven, Dept. of Biology and Environmental Science
Date Issued:
Thursday, March 15, 2012
10 500.00
To support a continuing study about assessing the extent and characteristics of macroalgal blooms in New Haven Harbor and the impacts such blooms have on benthic communities.
To support the surveying of the Quinnipiac River for polyaromatic hydrocarbons and phthalate plasticizers in an effort to characterize contamination from industrial and municipal sources.
To support the review of Cytec's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) water permit for discharges into the Quinnipiac River and see if there have been any violations of their permit during this year or during the past 5 years.